Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good

With just two more weeks here in Africa it is such a bitter sweet moment. This week is our final mission project. Leading child care for my parent's mission conference.

SIL, their mission, is part of Wycliffe Bible Translators. My parents are support missionaries, helping other missionaries get the supplies that they need, as well as important government documents. What Jim and I are doing this week is while the adults are having meetings of updating and spiritual growth, we will be watching after their children. There are about thirty children aging from one years old to seventeen. I have known a lot of these kids since I myself was a child in childcare during conferences. One girl here I used to help bathe her when she was two months old, and I was five (she is now taller than I am) another family I was there when their daughter took her first step. Still another family I was there when their youngest son was eating dirt. One family I knew the parents before they were even married, and now their youngest son is the age I was when I fist knew them. I was talking to some of the teenage girls yesterday and one of them was wise enough to say that this isn't a conference for them, it is a family reunion, and often times I feel the same.
I am not worried about how this week will go, because for this family, they are just happy to be together even if I mess things up they are home. I do pray though that God would use me this week, He has been so good and so faithful in the last few days. I had turned away from Him but he is drawing me ever closer to His side! I am thankful for the Amazing God that we know! Keep posted for updates of the family reunion.

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