Friday, July 15, 2011

Holiday Club

June 24, 25, 26 Holiday Club prep
                Becky and I went to Gateway church to help out with Holiday Club week (kinda of a vacation bible school) We had to go to a preparation weekend so that all of us were ready spiritually, mentally, and physically. The sessions and prep stuff were easy and not too over the top. Most of the time it was spiritual prep.
                We painted a backdrop for scenery. I hated working on my knees. (Yay track legacy!) I felt so old when I had to sit and rest because my knees were killing me. I felt all of those years of track catching up.
                We had some fun too, playing ninja, soccer and just talking and getting to know each other. It was nice on Sunday, when we got an afternoon off to rest and relax.
June 27th
                First day of Holiday Club, I did registration for 5th graders. After registration, we began the day. I was leading the 5th graders with Wade aka “Goofy” It was difficult at first but we managed. I was also in charge of games. It was hard to get people to listen and pay attention to my instructions. The afternoon ended and we spent the rest of the day preparing for tomorrow. I made balloons filled with flour.
June 28th
                2nd day of Holiday Club. Registration went by smoothly. 5th grade was a little better today. Games I was in charge of balloon toss. It’s inconceivable how even 7th graders don’t know how to make a simple line. Frustrated sigh. Oh well, it was fun to see balloons of flour pop on people.
June 29th
                3rd day of Holiday Club. We had our usual today. The kids were great. I was in charge of mini Olympics which went well besides some run burn from tug o war. Becky and I even had 2 ½ hour break because everything ran so smoothly and efficient. People are going loopy from lack of sleep. It’s funny.
June 30th
                The kids were great again. The games were awesome. I think everyone liked mine. One of my girls even told me that mine was the best. Everyone’s It was my game. There was a water war between the staff girls and guys. Becky and Dizzy started it, the guys finished it. It was prank night. Some pranks, I didn’t agree with nor partook with. The girls taped the guy dorm rooms shut.
July 1st
                Today was the final day. Once again the grades 5’s were great. We talked about the Crucifixion and what Jesus dying on the cross. It was nice to hear all the questions these kids had. They were some smart kids. We had no games today but the kids got to look at some animals and learn some things about them.
                After club we started cleaning up and preparing for the parents evening. It went well despite the vacuum breaking down. It was difficult to set up the chairs with the floor still being dirty.
                Becky and I managed to get done early but it hardly made a difference because the house locked so we just had a normal shower hour. Back at Church we had parents evening. I was disappointed not many of the kids parents showed. It still went well. Parents are lame; they don’t get into the music or motions! Come on stay young parents!
                I was disappointed that Becky and I were not going to go home earlier than I hoped. Because we are were going to leave for Mozambique at 3:30 am. I admit I was being a little selfish. I wasn’t the only one tired from the week. That night we celebrated Uncle Andrew’s birthday. Becky and I got a ride from Natalie and then we went to bed. 

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