Thursday, July 7, 2011

June 23rd Lion Park

                Today, we went to Lion Park to see the Lions of course! The park had more than just lions, it had jackals, aardwolves, meerkats, giraffes, cheetahs, hyenas, and lions (duh). We got to go into a cage and pet some lion cubs. So cute! They were asleep though so it wasn’t as much fun.
                We then moved on to pet and feed the giraffe. It was funny. I think the giraffe really liked me because I found myself getting necked by the giraffe. Then he licked me! Everyone found it entertaining and so did I.
                We moved on to the camps where the Lions roam, we drove through snapping pictures at the many lions who were lying around, playing or just posing for the camera. After that we saw the cheetah and hyena camps but they were not as exciting. We then ate lunch and went home. 

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