Thursday, June 23, 2011

The life of a tourist

While here Jim and I have done many of the sight seeing things that a tourist would do. Things that I may have done when I was younger and things that I may never have done. If you have been following Jim's and my posts you would know some of this stuff. I am just putting some pictures up now if you want to know what we did, read the rest of the posts. This isn't everything, but it is some of the better photos.
A Zebra in Kruger Park

Elephant about to charge

The one Animal Jim wanted to see

He looks hungry

Panning for Gold, trying to pay off the wedding

Yes I dislike monkeys, but he was cute

An amazing view of the Potholes at Blyde-river Canyon

Wonder view near God's Window
I thought this was cool, and I tried to get the man on the bike out of the shot
Jim at Mandala's house

Jim Petting lion cubs

The most recent adventure was going to a lion park, the story of that to come!

The Giraffe that licked my hand
The Giraffe that licked Jim's face

So cute!

An Aslan wanna be

Something wicked this way comes!

The Albino Lion

He attacked the other car

The stare down

Food is coming

Nap time


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