Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 5th Sight Seeing (Jim's Entry)

Jim's Point of View
Today we went sightseeing. Our first visit was Mac Mac Falls. It was pretty sweet. On the road, there I admit I was a little nervous. It was amazing how many drop-offs, high hills, mountains and canyons there were along the way. I have to say though, I was impressed with the roads they had. They were a lot better than I thought they would be.
Mac Mac Falls was pretty cool; you had to take a narrow walk way along the cliff to see the falls which had only a very flimsy looking fence on the side. Suffice to say I stayed as far away from the edge as possible. Anyway I enjoyed the sight of the falls and it was worth it.
Our next stop was Blyde River Canyon. On the way there we passed our last stop which was God’s Window. When we made to Blyde River Canyon, I thought I would be okay while we walking to the “Potholes” These potholes were actually very deep crevasses create by running water, I wasn’t expect to have to cross a bridge over these potholes. I didn’t really like that part. I mean the bridges were secure and made of concrete with sturdy railings but I just don’t like crossing over voids especially on foot. But I did enjoy the view at least when I was on solid ground.
Our last stop was God’s Window, which was an amazing view on a very high point of a drop off cliff that allowed you to see almost everything in front of you for miles. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough Rand (money) to get in to see that particular view. So we did the next best thing and that was going to Wonderview which was pretty much the same view as God’s Window but not as high and it didn’t cost anything.  I thought the view was spectacular and I was scared because I made sure I didn’t look down at the ridiculous drop off. 

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