Friday, June 17, 2011

The wonder of it all

Well today we didn't have a mission project, we didn't have a service project. Despite the lack of going on's there are still things going on. I have been to the doctor. One of the things that I asked my parents before I got here was if I could go to the doctor and get some moles removed. Despite my asking for this I was nervous beyond belief.
You know the anxious feeling that you get when you expect something painful? Well that is what happened to me today. I tried to ignore the impending "doom," it wasn't easy. I have been helping my mom with a quilt that she is making, so that was a nice distraction for part of the day, but as the day went along, and the hours passed I began to worry and tremble. It is interesting to think about worrying. I had nothing to fear. I was going to be in pain yes, but it was nothing more than what anyone else has, or ever will go though. it was probably not even the most painful experience of my life.
Yet why did I worry? There is a song that has the lines "Why do I worry? Why do I freak out?" those lyrics are so true right now. The song talks about how strong God is. He is strong, yes I was in pain, and still am, but it wasn't anything close to death. And so for now I will think of the pain in my shoulder and face as a reminder that worrying does nothing for me and that God is stronger.

On another note tomorrow Jim and I are going to Soweto, one of biggest slums in Africa. Keep an ear out for what happens tomorrow.

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