Thursday, June 2, 2011


Jim's family at the open house
On Sunday afternoon Jim's mom hosted a "Open House"/ Going away party. It was an opportunity for us to say good bye to some of our loved ones. It was also nice to meet some people that are important him. The day was relaxed and fun, friends from school, friends from camp, and Jim's family were all there. The day included food (always a highlight for me) and good company. Jim and I got one last chance to see those we love.  We lived it up and celebrated our friendships, with good conversations, and games being passed around. Then after the party I had a chance to see some of my friends who I hadn't spent quality time with in years.

Our plane at Sunset Leaving Chicago
Next was the flight on Tuesday, it was Jim's first time flying,  I personally love flying, and was simply anticipating the flight. Nothing went wrong. We started our trip at 7pm on Tuesday, flew to Chicago, waited there for three hours, boarded the next plane to Frankfurt, Germany. When we were in Germany we sad there for about nine hours. We made use of our new travel adapters, and watched movies on our laptops or read books. It was a lazy wait in the airport, but it lead up to our third and final flight. The last flight, I would have to say was the best flight, we had ample leg room and, something I was anticipating, screens for movies in the back of every chair. After watching one movie Jim was kind enough to let me use him as a pillow so I could sleep. He however was not as lucky, (his story of travel to come).
Jim and I at my parents' house in South Africa

We arrived in South Africa on Thursday morning at 9am, South African time, however that was about 3am in Michigan. I was ecstatic to see my parents, and a country that I grow up in. I recognized streets, and buildings from when I five years old. I like to believe that God has blessed me, because I have not suffered from Jet Lag (...Yet). While Jim slept my parents and I went off to meet the pastor of my Parent's church who will be with us on our trip to Mozambique. I am excited to see what God is doing. Tomorrow we go on a 10 day vacation, and during that time we will visit with the principle of the school we will be working with. More updates to come soon, and Jim will be posting the experience from his port of view soon (...I hope)

1 comment:

  1. Glad God blessed you and Jim with a safe trip... can not wait to read more!
