Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seeing the hands of God at work

Well we have been on holiday for the last ten days, I was away from the internet for that whole time. Jim was able to get on, but I liked the opportunity to be free of internet.
You have probably read most of our happenings from Jim already, except what I find the most interesting. On Friday afternoon Jim, my mom and I went to my elementary school. One of the main reasons that we came to Africa this summer was to go to my former Elementary school. The amazing thing that is happening there is that the school is having a revival.

This school is a South African public school. The government is not as strict on religious matters, but anything that happens must happen during one of the break times, or after school. In 2007 the principle asked the entire school (at an assembly) if they wanted to pray, the answer was yes. After this assembly two students asked if they could use the hall (the room where the assemblies take place) to pray during their second break of the day, a period of time that is about 12 minutes long. Students have been going in there every day since. They average about 150-200 students a day. It is amazing to see these students praying. On Wednesday we stopped by the school to get a run down of what we would be doing on Friday afternoon.

On Friday some of the teachers hosted, what is usually a weekend retreat, an afternoon of more teaching. These students are passionate about God, but they don't know the word of God the way that Americans often take for granted. Some of them didn't even know that there were two testaments to the Bible. What we did on Friday was so exciting to see. We had a prayer time with the teachers (who were all their by choice, they were not forced to be there), then the kids heard the story of the prodigal son. After that there was a chance for the students to share what they have been learning. The day went on and the kids played games, and my mom and I talked about the things that had changed since I was a student.

The amazing thing is that one of the students had had a vision, seeing students praying in the hall. Above them were tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit. This was in 2002. Five years before the students asked to pray there.

Now there is so much more I could say about what we did at this school, but I really want to emphasize is that no matter what the teachers had been doing, no matter what Jim and I went to do, all of that is nothing. God's work is being done not ours. I am going to try to get a video clip up of  a little history of the school but we will see if I can do that.

Until next time,
           God Bless

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