Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 1st and 2nd Departure-Travel-Arrival (Jim's entry)

Jim's point of view             
This trip has only just started and in the past couple of days, I’ve experienced many new things in my life. It all started with my first flight on a plane.  Even before the day of the flight, I was nervous but it wasn’t till the that inevitable moment getting ready to board that plane, the minute I knew there was no turning back that it got worse. I was shaking uncontrollably like I was standing bare skinned in a winter storm.
I would have lost my mind if it wasn’t for my fiancée, Becky,  who was standing next to me the whole time, looking at me every five seconds with a concerned expression, asking me if I was okay. We boarded the plane, I sat in my chair taking long deep breaths and exhaling slowly under the caring advice of Becky. She asked me if I needed to hold her hand that was defiantly a yes.
As the plane made its way to the take off ramp, it felt like an eternity. I closed my eyes, holding on tightly on to Becky’s hand. Then I felt the lift of the airplane and it was over. I opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but feel silly. That was what I was worried about the whole time? The rest of the flight just felt weird only because it was just so strange thinking I was thousands of miles in the air at that moment.
I thought that the landing was going be scary but it was actually quite fun and it was my favorite part of the flight. In Chicago, I discovered one of the coolest things ever. The bathrooms had toilets with plastic wrap on the seat, you scanned your hand and a device rotated a new plastic wrap. I thought it was really neat. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
 I have to say God is good. My carryon bag ended being a little too heavy and it looked like I was going to have to put it on in luggage. However, after answering questions about our flight, when we mentioned to the bag checking guy that we had a nine hour layover, he surprisingly gave me an exception.
The next flight was easier because the plane was bigger. When we landed in Frankfurt, I got to experience stepping foot in a new country, Germany. We had a nine hour layover. I could tell I was getting jet lag, I was tired, I was hungry and my body was confused. It didn’t help that Becky and I were both grumpy from lack of sleep. We got mad at each other a couple of times but we knew it was because we were grumpy.
Our final flight was the best. The plane seats had tv screens on the back of the seats and overall the feeling of the flight was quite pleasant. It was cool because they had a function that you could see camera views of the plane from outside. It was awesome. I watched the Green Hornet and Rango then tried to get some sleep. I didn’t get much because I let Becky use me as a pillow.
                 We arrived in Johannesburg and Becky had a big grin on her face. We found out luggage and meet her parents who droves us to their house. There we got ourselves comfortable and relaxed. I took a nap. For dinner we had Hungarian Goulash. It was interesting, I liked it. I finally got to taste Becky’s favorite meal. As for the rest of the day, we just chilled.  And as for the rest of the trip, we leave for Holiday tomorrow. I’m interested to see where this trip takes us. God has surely blessed so far on this trip and I can tell that He has a lot to teach us.

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